School Board & PAC


The St. John Brebeuf School Board is responsible for proper governance and mission fulfillment of St. John Brebeuf School.  An important part of the overall SJB Parish Community, St. John Brebeuf School provides access to a Catholic education for young parishioners and has a major influence on the social life of the parish through school concerts, barbeques, fundraisers, and other community building events.  The school also brings spiritual life to the Parish through School Masses and other Liturgical celebrations and helps to renew the Parish by attracting young families with children who wish to become parishioners.

Members of the School Board are called forth according to the gifts needed in the school community and are appointed by the pastor.  Working as members of the Board proper, and Board committees, they are responsible for school staffing, marketing and communications, policy making, building and maintenance, and finance decisions.  The School Board usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month from September to June.  


Fr. Patrick Neufeld, Pastor

Mr. Phil Cesario, Chair

Ms. Carla Anjos-Clemente

Mrs. Jennifer Da Costa-Melo

Mrs. Brandy Ellerbrock

Mr. Donovan Fontaine

Ms. Naomi Gregoire

Ms. Kitty Kelly

Mr. Tyler Kelsch

Mr. Kevin McCulloch




St. John Brebeuf School has a very active Parent Advisory Council (PAC) made up of parent volunteers whose children attend St. John Brebeuf School. The PAC supports the school by putting on important community building events such as the annual pancake breakfast and SJB spring carnival and by fundraising for important school initiatives through pizza lunches, used uniform sales, and other activities. The SJB PAC meets at least four times per year while the executive and subcommittees may meet with more frequency.

For any inquiries or to get involved, please contact the Parent Advisory Council at
