Ways to Give

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"       2 Corinthians 9:7

St. John Brebeuf School owes its existence (1957) and its continual growth to the giving spirit of the very first group of parishioners who went door to door soliciting donations for the building of the parish and school. It is this community spirit that continues to propel St. John Brebeuf into the future.

How can I give back?  Giving back can take many forms.


There are many volunteer opportunities at school:

·         The Parent Advisor Council (PAC) have many volunteer roles that need to filled The PAC runs many different events that require volunteers including for athletic teams, field trips, lunch duty (substitute), and special events (e.g. annual Carnival). Contact the PAC to see how you can assist: sjbpac@sjbcommunity.ca

·         School teams often need a coach; contact the school office if you interested in coaching email schooloffice@sjbcommunity.ca

·         Field trips often require additional supervision; contact your student’s classroom teacher.

Volunteer requirements and links can be found here.


Our community is comprised of individuals with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in a wide range of disciplines. Consider sharing your gifts with the school. This can take many forms:

·         A classroom presentation on your particular career or field of study.

·         Donating your expertise and professional service to the school.

Financial Support

St. John Brebeuf School relies on the generous support of the community to support the bursary fund as well as the capital projects fund. The bursary fund provides financial support for Catholic families for whom tuition costs represent a significant barrier to access. All donations over $20 receive a tax receipt for the full amount. To give to the bursary fund, click HERE or contact principal@sjbcommunity.ca

Independent schools do not receive capital funding from the government and thus depend on the generous support of the community to undertake building enhancements and advance new capital projects.

To give to the capital projects or to learn more about some of the exciting future plans of the school that you support, email principal@sjbcommunity.ca