Tuition & Fees


School Fees

·         Application Fee: $ 125

·         Registration Fee: $190 (includes school supplies)

·         Tuition Fee Kindergarten: $5060

·         Tuition Fee Grades 1-8: $3960

·         Uniform Fee: approximately $250 per school year

Note: there is a $200 discount for second child (grades 1 – 8) and a $800 discount for third child (grade 1-8)

Optional Services

Before and After Care

·         Before care only (7:30 am – 8:30 am) $97 / month

·         After care only (3:20 pm – 5:30 pm)  $114 / month

·         Before and after care $226

·         Punch card (for 10 uses) $135

Note: there is a 25% discount for second child and a 50% discount for third child. See the BASC registration form for more details.

Value Added Programs (2023-2024 prices)

·         Dance classes (Ballet/Jazz) by the RWB (Kindergarten to grade 3) $250 for 10 classes

·         Swimming lessons for Kindergarten and Grade 1: $245 for 10 classes @ Aqua Essence

·         Specialized art Classes delivered by Artful Owl: $350 per session (10-13 classes per session)

·         Hockey Development Camps (2024-25 price) $720 for 16 – 1 hour early morning sessions 7:20 am – 9:25 am.