Faith & Service

His Grace Faith life and values are infused in the life of the school. Students study religion as part of their regular educational program. They attend a monthly school mass as well as a class mass twice a year. They also participate in the sacrament of reconciliation before Christmas and Easter. Most importantly, our students have the opportunity to live the most important element of our Catholic faith: the call to love the Lord and to love others as the Lord loved us.

As part of its mission to develop the Christian leadership potential of students, St. John Brebeuf School offers a number of programs that put “love into action,” within the school community and beyond.

One unique initiative implemented at St. John Brebeuf School in September 2003 is The Virtues Project by psychotherapist and author Linda Kavelin Popov (2000).  The program is designed to create an environment of caring and respect so that all may live, learn, and serve in Christ.  The Virtues Project inspires the practice of virtues in everyday life.  Each month, the school community learns a virtue to help inspire faith, hope, love, and truth.  The school year’s virtues are shared with the community at the beginning of each school year.

Each student receives a Virtues Cross, a simple necklace consisting of a wooden cross and beads. The necklace represents monthly virtues and symbolizes God’s love and the many gifts he has given.  The Virtues Project helps us to better understand what God creates us to be so we can live to our full potential.

Students have the opportunity to put their faith into action by serving each other through buddy classes, where junior high students partner with early years classes for collaborative activities.  Additionally, they have the chance to contribute to the community through outreach programs with organizations such as Extendicare Tuxedo Villa and Winnipeg Harvest.

Faith & Service Opportunities and Activities: