Full Time Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a year filled with wonderful experiences for a child as they transition between preschool and the primary grades. Through collaborative projects, group activities, and play, children develop essential socialization skills, such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution, fostering positive relationships with peers. It is a year of great gains, both socially and academically, and one that will foster a love of learning that will last throughout their lifetime. 

Recognizing the busy schedules of modern families, our full-time Kindergarten program offers a convenient option for parents. The extended hours align with the demands of contemporary lifestyles, providing families with greater flexibility while ensuring that their child receives an enriching and comprehensive educational experience that goes beyond the traditional half-day model. By offering a full-day kindergarten program, we aim to create a seamless transition to elementary school for our students. The extended time in the classroom allows for a more gradual adjustment to the school environment, promoting a sense of familiarity and comfort as students progress through their early years of education

Students in kindergarten wear our school uniform, and participate in all school activities. A typical day in kindergarten is balanced between academics and play time. Children of this age need plenty of time to play and interact, and the importance of play in a child’s development has been well researched and documented. We are proud to offer substantial time with specialists in Kindergarten, with periods of phys. ed, music, and French through the six-day school cycle. Our students truly reap the benefits of having so much specialist time from the time they start school. Our students are also able to utilize our full computer lab with their teacher.

Rooted in our Catholic values, our full time Kindergarten program incorporates faith-based teachings, fostering a sense of spirituality and moral development from an early age. Kindergarten students participate fully in the prayer life of the school and engage in age-appropriate religious activities that complement their overall learning experience.